
Village of Arena discusses Dane Iowa upgrade, still waiting on railroad crossing

As the Dane-Iowa Wastewater Plant reaches its 25th year, the Village of Arena, like Mazomanie, Black Earth, and Wisconsin Heights, will have to grapple with financing upgrades. At their monthly meeting in July the Arena trustees heard what’s coming up for the plant.

Mazomanie waives user fees for local non-profits, is put in a bind by County over Highway Y

“Nonprofits, I just like to say, are the heart and soul of our community,” said Erica Kali Handel, a member of the local Chamber board, at the comparatively well-attended August 13th Mazomanie Village Board meeting, in reference to the possibility of waiving user fees for local non-profit community events.

Village of Arena pushes forward on Fire and EMS agreement despite trustee objections and questions

Despite Arena Village Trustees Becca Raven Uminowicz’s pleas for more information and Matthew Schroeder’s sobering restatement of the facts, the rest of the board hit the accelerator in its race against the clock with the Township over a Fire and EMS agreement.

Village of Black Earth finishes GO Note spending list

At their July 10 meeting, the Black Earth Village Board all but completed allocating the nearly $1.2 million dollars in GO Note spending they had been discussing for the better part of the year. The Village took on the burden of the Electric Utility’s borrowing last year and the board has meticulously discussed how to best spend the funds.

Sauk County Board approves Great Sauk State Trail Master Plan, clarifies special meeting agendas

“It’s a big day for Sauk County,” said Brian Simmert, Planning and Zoning Manager for Sauk County Land Resources and Environment, as he and Project Manager Jody Rader presented to the County Board of Supervisors the finished plan master plan for the Great Sauk State Trail at their July 16 meeting.

Village of Mazomanie says ‘goodbye’ to Sergeant Gonzales and approves Fire Department training facility

At right, the board approved the Fire Department’s training facility in Lions Park. Pictured is a mock up.

The Village of Mazomanie set its sights on a housing study, also approving an Ehlers review of their water and electric utilities and heard a heartfelt goodbye from Deputy—now Sargent—Alex Gonzalez at their July meetings. 

Arena extends Iowa County Sheriff’s coverage to 2025

In a split 5-2 vote the Arena Village Board voted to extend their police agreement with the Iowa County Sheriff’s Department through 2025 at their July 2nd meeting. Trustees Becca-Raven Uminowicz and Matthew Schroeder opposed.

Sauk City sells another house and Prairie du Sac approves extra pets

At their July 9th meeting, the Sauk City board heard from a resident who noted apparent speeders on the newly paved south Water Street. He said the pavement was “smooth as glass” and proposed the use of a speed board.

Sauk City board talks vandalism and refuse as they grapple with dumpster enclosures

June 25th was a busy night for the village of Sauk City.

Black Earth grapples with board member and clerk resignations

The past month or two has been an eventful one for the village of Black Earth.


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